Tuesday 2 February 2010

Are You Interested In A Private Investigation Job?

Private investigation jobs come in all shapes and sizes and is one of the reasons why the P.I. business is proving an attractive alternative for many people disatisfied with their current careers.

Whether performing roles in the corporate sector or tracking down missing persons, there is an element of variety in the private investigation field that is hard to match and it's this aspect that has seen a large number of people change careers mid-stream and join the growing legion of "super sleuths." In fact, the options available to prospective P.I.'s are similar to a certain extent to lawyers: specializing in an area of expertise whether it be criminal, fraud, family, divorce, corporate and the list goes on.

The Right P.I. For The Job

In the "old days", a private investigator was usually a one man operation but in the 21st. century, the profession has entered a new age with larger firms of P.I.'s in operation and within those firms, you'll find specific investigators specializing in specific roles. For example, corporate investigators will concentrate their efforts within a particular corporation. Corporate fraud is a major issue and employers need to keep a handle on both the external and internal operations of a company.

Legal investigators work closely with law firms and whether the case may be of a penal or civil nature, private investigators will usually "get down and dirty" to sniff out vital pieces of evidence before a case is presented. Celebrity protection is another major area that private investigators are being drawn too while the internet and computer age has opened up a whole new world of investigative possibilities.

Do You Qualify For A Private Investigation Job?

So how difficult is it getting a private investigation job? Job forecasts for the next decade suggest the P.I. business will be one of the fastest growing professions particularly in the western world. Competition for positions will become keener and keener. The beauty of this profession though is that it offers prospects the opportunity to be self employed although it is not suggested going it alone from the get go. Those seeking to run their own businesses are usually advised to gain experience for a year or two working for a larger firm or gaining experience being employed through large corporate networks.

While there are no educational requirements listed yet for private investigators, the fact that people are entering the fold from a wide area of professions means that they are bringing specialized skills acquired from their previous careers. Many have college degrees, some even have university degrees, so it would pay to have some level of formal education. As far as licensing requirements are concerned, these vary from state to state and country to country.

Do Some Self Surveillance First

Be careful not to be attracted to the prospects of a private investigation job for the wrong reasons. Sure, it has been portrayed by Hollywood over the years with a touch of glamour but the truth is, it is a dangerous profession, the work hours can be irregular and unless you possess a certain level of confrontational ability and mental toughness, then it may not be the career for you.

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Many people are considering a private investigation job. Are you? Read the latest private investigation news and reviews at: http://www.privateinvestigatorline.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dean_Caporella

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